MB EIS TestPlatform can test the EIS for these Mercedes Benz models: W220, W215, W210,W202, W208, W203, W211, W209, W169, W221, W164, W204 and W639, and separately itis packed with the corresponding models' EIS testing plug, so it is very easy touse.
MB EISTest Platform
Fast check EISand key working or not without connecting to vehicle.
MBEIS Test Platform Features:
1.Protect EIS power
2.Built-in direction lock (W203,W210,W211,W209, W169) ELV function
3.No need to desolder the original Mercedes Benz direction lock, it is able totest by connecting the EIS, insert into the authorized key to open EIS and checkkey and EIS working or not.
Theconnecting plug is durable and the selected EIS number won't plug wrongly,therefore MB EIS test platform is very suitable for training material and asreference for repairman to fix EIS.
MBEIS Test Platform can test the EIS for these Mercedes Benz models: W220, W215,W210, W202, W208, W203, W211, W209, W169, W221, W164, W204 and W639, andseparately it is packed with the corresponding models' EIS testing plug, so itis very easy to use.